So I, and many others, have lost the spark for the good ol' M365 blog. Recently I have been thinking about ways to jump life back into it and the ways in which the format is obviously failing. I think that the super structured nature of the idea was the intrigue at first but also the downfall of the blog. By this I mean, it is hard to keep up with and easy to forget about the posting day when one's life gets busy and chaotic- the scheduled day then passes and it becomes something that is blown-off. For those of you who have been awesome at keeping up, I give kudos to you!
Where does it go now?
I thought maybe making it more open would help- basically post whenever you find something to share. I love the contributions that we have had on the blog and feel like the group involved is dynamic and worthy of continuing. It has been awesome to see what people have shared and how different the subject matter has been.
The main goal of the blog was to get a group of people together to inspire and motivate one another creatively. I think that in this new format we can continue to do that.
Any other suggestions are appreciated!
On that note, I have become involved in a weekly photo group and thought that I would share my image for the week, The theme was "the small things":

I have been using images like this one for a starting point in my drawing/painting process for years. This photo group is making me really appreciate the photo in its original state... but I also have a flood gate opening up for painting ideas based on this series of photos. I will be sure to post the evolution of this image.
Which also leads to a question for a-a-allllll of you, yes you (wow. I have been watching too much elmo's world), how does your artistic process start? I would love to see images of other peoples work and process!
Lets share!!!!